Can You Relate?


  1. Sure can!! It's only 8:13 am today and I'm ready to call it a day and crawl back in bed.

  2. Most Definitely! More so when I was going in to my office every day M-F. Now that I'm working at home it is so much better!!

  3. NO! I don't get it. But I don't work in an office and never have. I am fully into cartoons and you are to ThankNancy. Im reading a cat cartoonists book. Laughing all the way

  4. I think that is how Dennis is feeling now that the company is for sale. He is stressed to the max!

  5. I am with the other Bridget. Every. single. day. and now I am working from home. Or, as I heard the other day, I am living at work.

  6. I just purchased a cat cartoon book. You inspired me!

  7. Some days are definitely like that even if you DON'T work in an office. LOL

  8. Yep. I never worked in an office but mornings were the same as I faced the day in my classroom. That's just about the time the kids would come in and I'd be ready to head home.

  9. I didn't feel like that when I was young and working but I can now--today was one of those days! lol

  10. I'm with her! Or maybe a nap would do too!

  11. Nancy, just wondering when you will get that gorgeous blocked shawl back? I cannot wait.

  12. Yep! Especially since our days are getting so much shorter and darker by 4:15 in the afternoon!


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