Nearing the Finish Line

nine Ritzy Cracker blocks
May 2021

Sunday's FaceTime call was a productive one. Not only did I begin joining the four-patch units (see yesterday's post) but I also finished the Ritzy Cracker blocks I started a few weeks ago. I now have enough of the blocks to make a Quilt of Valor. The top will include 56 red, white, and blue blocks and have two simple borders added. 

Last week, I received a QOV back from a volunteer longarmer in Oregon, so I trimmed the excess backing fabric and prepared a label. I hope to get the binding sewn on this week before the second QOV arrives in the mail from the same longarmer.


  1. You've been busy! The name Ritzy Cracker blocks cracks me up!

  2. I agree with Vera, the name Ritzy Cracker is pretty funny!

  3. Aren't they cool, can't wait to see it finished.

  4. A busy gal, with QOV in every stage. Two of our QOV tops are in the hands of a local quilter, and hopefully a couple of our members will take them for binding and labeling when we get them back. The local quilt shop donated backing and the quilting is being done at a big discount, so we have enough donations to cover that quilting.

  5. I can't wait to see this one come together. I think you have showed us this pattern before but I've forgotten what it looks like and the name is so intriguing. It reminds me of those fake apple pies we used to make out of Ritz Crackers. Strangely enough they were very good.

  6. Oh, what progress! I do love the piecing and sewing rows for a quilt! These will make a great quilt!

  7. Ritzy Crackers ....such a funny name for a quilt block.

    Happy quilting!

  8. I'm looking forward to seeing those crackers come together!

  9. Everytime I see you use the name Ritzy Crackers I laugh out loud. I don't know why. :-) You are so prolific with those quilts. I'm looking forward to seeing this top all sewn together.


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