Don't Build Here . . .

nesting deterrent
May 2021

For the second year in a row, a pair of doves have tried multiple times to build nests on the top of my patio lights. I got tired of picking up the twigs, etc., so I used a tip from Brenda: tying a grocery sack around the light. 

It worked! No more mess and no more frustrated birds. 

I'll remove the bags later this week. 


  1. How clever! Nesting birds do make a mess. I wish it was that easy to discourage the bugs from around my outside lights. It's a bug massacre out there every night and I'm tired of cleaning it up.

  2. I know someone else who did this in in Wisconsin and it worked!!!!!

  3. That was a great idea. I would probaly have just kept shooing them away and they never would have gone.

  4. Good idea--we get persistent wrens about three times each year so I sympathize!

  5. Never seen that before. We had a robin's nest under the deck. They used to give me the evil eye when I walked out on the deck. We think the babies are older and maybe the nest is empty. It's hard to see in the nest.


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