Putting Down Roots

ready to be planted
May 2021

Even though Arbor Day is officially the last Monday in April in Wyoming, it can be quite cold then to be planting trees. Thus, almost a month later, the maintenance crew took advantage of the nice weather and planted several young trees along Binford Street. 

You may remember the snow storm that hit this area last June and all the damage that occurred to the trees. Many of the trees in my apartment complex were damaged in that storm, and numerous trees were marked for removal. Since last June, maintenance has removed the problematic trees and their stumps in preparation for the new trees. 

It will be fun to watch the trees put down roots and mature. 


  1. Good that they have taken care of the damaged trees and are ready to replace. What kind of trees are they planting?

  2. How wonderful!!! It's always a joy to watch a young tree grow. We've got a sad pine that needs to be removed and I don't have the heart. I planted it the week we moved in here and it's like family.

  3. I love trees. I have to call our electric company though because the trees on the back of our property are growing up through the wires. If I remember from the past, they will come trim them for free. I hope they still do that anyway. I'm glad you're getting new trees to replace the damaged ones.

  4. Nice looking tree...and boy that soil is red!

  5. What a good sight! I love to see a tree grow from sapling to mature--it will be a good to mark its progress!

  6. Lovely! I'm hoping to plant some fruit trees at the new place. But it will probably have to wait a year or two.

  7. I've watched a young tree on community property die because of lack of rain and no one made an effort to get water to it. I suspect we'll end up having to buy a new one next year. (Community in this case means the Home Owner Association.) It's good to see that damaged trees are being replaced.


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