Squeals of Delight

sculpture at Reynolds Crossing Business Plaza
Laramie, WY
August 2018
Seeing this sculpture made me smile. The kids expressions are full of excitement. I love that the little girl is driving and appears to be honking the horn, and the little boy is hanging on for dear life. I can almost hear their squeals as they race down the street.


  1. The artist fully captured the joy of this rite of childhood!!!
    (my two guys now have a battery operated vehicle and they have much the same expressions! lol)

  2. I am going to enjoy your pictures as you explore your new home.

  3. LOL I don't know. I think maybe the DOG is driving. Or maybe he is just navigating.

  4. Such innocent happiness. What a great sculpture.

  5. A wonderful and whimsical sculpture! I'm sure it brings a smile to the face of most people who see it.

  6. darling. Whimsical. Lovely. sweet

  7. What a great artist to capture the expressions so well:)

  8. Wonderful sculpture! Fun and endearing.

  9. The energy seems so alive it almost freaks me out, but I'm odd like that -- and yes I'm one of those don't like clowns people! LOL

  10. If you get a chance, take a look at this book (either at the library or on Amazon) - "Friday My Radio Flyer Flew." The illustrations are amazing. When I saw the picture of the sculpture, it made me think of this book.


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