If It Looks Like a Rose. . .

flowering cabbage/kale
Riverside, WY
August 2018
I spotted these gorgeous blooms across the street from the park where we stopped for lunch a week ago. The blooms were huge (about 10 inches in diameter), and the colors were vibrant.

Have you grown flowering cabbage/kale in your flower garden?


  1. I did grow them one year and loved them! Aren't they a striking addition to a front yard?!

  2. I have never grown them but they are very popular around here. I always wonder what they would taste like. Lol....

  3. No I have never grown them but they are beautiful.

  4. They are beautiful!

    Disney World uses them in a lot of places for a pop of color.

  5. I tried. They didnt' do well as I recall. I put them in late......and it froze shortly thereafter. Frost on the pumpkin that I paired them with ...My mistake!

  6. I have grown them, and I love them, but sadly they don't come back the next year, so I've never grown them again. Seeing those though... makes me really want to grow some more!

  7. I used to grow them in the greenhouse:0 They are so pretty and will take some cooler temps:)

  8. Hello, Nancy,
    No, I have never grown this but they do look magnificent.

    Have just returned from the northern hemisphere and one of the things we really enjoyed in Seattle and England was all of the summer flowers, especially those in hanging baskets.

    It was good to have a touch of summer like this when we knew it was winter back home.

  9. I have never grown these gorgeous flowers but now I wish I did! So pretty.

  10. but they never bloomed, we've had a wacky and extrememly hot summer they are so pretty....maybe next year.


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