Sprinkles of Kindness

Has someone sprinkled you with kindness lately?


  1. Um, today — kindness is all over the site where I get my second Covid vaccine. Many of the people working there are volunteers. They are cheerful and helpful. And did I mention speedy? And I mustn’t forget my hubby who does most of the cooking. Now that is a major kindness!

  2. The ladies who included me in their quilt retreat last weekend were certainly a kind and pleasant group. They had a cancellation so a couple of them thought of me.

  3. My husband is kind almost all the time:)

  4. Almost everyone I meet is kind. It seems that if you're kind to people, they are "usually" kind back. Imagine that! I know there are some exceptions. Wishing you a beautiful kindness filled day Nancy.
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. The Mister fixed my bike this morning even though he was in a lot of pain from his hips poor guy. He's not exactly the sprinkling kindness type but sometimes he surprises me.

  6. Hi Nancy, I keep getting emails saying my comments are blocked and the one I sent earlier today isn't on your blog.

  7. Well, no not to speak of. But, we are so secluded these days! I did buy fireman a new toy. He's getting whittling book, tools and blocks of pine tomorrow! I like spoiling almost as much as being spoiled

  8. Yes, a grand daughter that came through her surgery fine, a son who made it through a grueling 3 hour interview for divorce court and a phone call with a best friend that lives far away! What a full day!

  9. Good advice and such a peaceful outlook to have on life. Just be kind...I wish more people took this as their motto. Have a great weekend!

  10. My husband has been an absolute. I am freaking out about going back into a high school, and he is doing everything humanly possible to support me. I am a lucky girl!


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