Aftermath of Xylia

Snowman in Depot Park
Laramie, WY 
March 2021

It took several days for Laramie to dig out from the blizzard (winter storm Xylia) that hit last weekend. Snowblowers and heavy equipment were the workhorses after the storm. Some people moved snow with shovels, but it was hard work lifting the heavy, wind-packed snow. 

Grand Villa walks cleared with snowblowers
March 2021

The grounds crew at Grand Villa typically clear the sidewalks and driveways with a small John Deere and blade, but the aftermath of Xylia was too much for the little tractor. Heavy duty snowblowers were brought in to cut through the drifts, and heavy equipment cleared and piled the parking lot snow. 

I was relieved that I didn't have to deal with the removal of the snow. 


  1. Wow that is a lot of snow!! So glad it was cleared for you.

  2. My husband did a lot of shoveling this winter because our snowblower died mid-season and there were no snowblowers left to buy.

  3. That is back breaking work (even with equipment). Glad you didn't have to do any removal of snow. Looks like a large amount fell and will most likely be around for some time. Hopefully no more snow!!!

  4. So much snow and this time of year it's always so heavy with moisture. I'm amazed that ours is already completely gone, and today it's raining. We need the moisture to get us out of a drought. But I sure don't want any more deep snow this year.

  5. Ugh! I don't want to see anything like that! I've actually got flowers bloomin! I'll try to send some of our warm wind your way and clear out that snow!

  6. This is why I really wanted to get an apartment or condo instead of a house! We will still have to clear snow. I hope it's all out of it's system before I leave for NE. It seems everytime I make this drive it's either snowing or just quit. :-)
    I'm so glad that you had people to take care of it all for you and you could stay safely inside watching.

  7. Nancy, I am relieved to hear that you don't have to deal with snow removal now. Happy for you. That was a lot of snow

  8. It's hard for me to imagine living with snow! Our winter weather consists of wind, rain and sleet, occasionsly hail, with snow on the tops of the mountain ranges

  9. Wow! You really had a lot of snow! I'm glad the town took care of you--it's pretty!

  10. I am so glad you didn't have to shovel! I can attest that the snow was moisture filled, I did our walk and let the rest melt:)

  11. Yikes... how tall is that snow on both sides of the walk way? Has any of it melted yet? Hope so.


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