Managing Paperwork

shredding files
March 2021

Over the last few days, I spent a lot of time preparing for the storm, cutting fabric, and shredding old files. Since downsizing to move, I minimize the paperwork/files that I keep. When the most recent taxes are filed and the paperwork has been returned from the accountant, I place the papers in the designated storage bin and remove the oldest file (keeping only seven years of paperwork) and shredding the papers. 

Before I moved, I kept way too much paperwork, and my small shredder could not manage the bulk. The Print Shop in Riverton sold large bags that could be stuffed with paper to be shredded and then sealed. A shredding truck picked up the bags and shredded them. 

By removing and shredding an old file once a year, my small shredder can easily handle the task.

How do you manage your old files?


  1. Ah yes, tis that time of year. Sometimes I shred (I use the shredders at work) and sometimes I burn papers in the fire pit. I keep way less paper than I used to, but still probably too much.

  2. We kept way too much and I try to cull it every year! We burn out old stuff out back! lol

  3. I procrastinate until my files are bulging:)

  4. We also keep way too much paperwork, but I do shred tax-type things older than 7 years. For some reason it is very satisfying to me to fill a garbage bag with shreddings. My little shredder upstairs is pretty wimpy, but my husband has one in his basement office that is a bit more powerful.

  5. I have a small shredder too. I try to stay on top of it, shredding a small pile each month.

  6. The Mister has a small shredder also. He just went through all his old things and boy does he have a lot to shred.

  7. I used to keep way too much paperwork. We still had our taxs from 35+ years ago when we sold the house. I also shredded most of them and lots of other things. Here in the RV I have one plastic bin full of papers and that's it. So much more manageable.

  8. Same way you do. Steve and I are both pretty organized people and know what we want to keep and what is okay to throw out. Although, I admit, I've thrown out some things I wish I hadn't.

  9. We had a shredder at our old house. But we have been here 4 years and we never got a shredder. I get rid of anything I can each day when the mail comes I'm not ready to throw out my baby congrats cards from All and Zach that 30 years ago. Lol

  10. I use my shredder nearly every day when the mail comes:)

  11. Pat does a great job keeping papers under control. We shred mail as it comes in if we don’t want to keep it.


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