Patriotic Waves

Patriotic Waves
57 x 70 inches
Quilt of Valor #191

I used the same pattern (Orange Waves by Villa Rosa) to make Patriotic Waves. The blocks are 7 inches finished, and the quilt makes up easily and quickly. 


  1. I like this one too! Those Villa Rosa patterns are so nice and quick.

  2. Very pretty! It seems to move (thus the name waves in the pattern I suppose).

  3. Totally awesome! You do so very much for others!!

  4. Pretty. It's different than most of the squares you make.

  5. I like the way this comes together. I feel this block size for the patriotic material is just right. The busyness of that material isn't overwhelming to the point of being distracting.

  6. Very, very nice! I like how the squares go together.

  7. Very nice you are so creative with stitching all these QOV.

  8. Nice work for the diagonal look to this quilt-it might be simple units but it sure results in a knock out top!

  9. Nancy how lovely! Someone asked me if I knew how to sew a quilt. I referred her to your blog. She is someone who was a nurse with me. If she comes to your blog, as i suggested, she will tell you she knows me! Hey Teach!


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