
trapped stitch marker

I discovered an "oops" on the Half Circle Pi Shawl. One of the stitch markers was accidentally knit into the shawl. The only way to remove the marker (other than frogging the shawl which I am NOT going to do) is to cut the marker. 

I've managed to knit markers into items before - have you?


  1. Have not had that happen but cutting it off is the way to go.

  2. Thankfully it is a marker you CAN cut. Yes, I have had markers "stuck", but usually I noticed pretty quickly.

  3. I always discover it at the point where I'm too far along to want to rip back. Ugh!

  4. Oh, I have done that before! Whenever it happens, I'm glad I have so many spare stitch markers . . . because the only way out . . . is cutting them. :-)

  5. Yep. I did it last night! Luckily I was only one row past it so I frogged back. If I was in your predicament I would definitely cut the marker.

  6. Oh, I sure have! I usually use metal so I use metal cutters to snip them free! lol

  7. I do that so often I cannot use nice stitch markers. That's why we cannot have nice things

  8. So many times I have done that! The plastic ones I cut...the metal ones I have Fletch pry apart.


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