A11 - Mystery Complete

A11 Mystery
60 x 82 inches
Quilt of Valor #192

The last clue for the mystery quilt was released last Thursday, and I was able to complete the quilt top on Friday afternoon. This was a quick and easy quilt to finish. 

Alycia, thank you for hosting the mystery.


  1. I really like the way the blocks make such a strong visual punch. The little blue square in the diagonal blue lines just adds movement--very, very nice job on this one!

  2. I really like that one! Very nice!

  3. Good job! Love the darker blue in this one. This is a pattern that I'll be saving.

  4. Lovely! I like it with the additional thin sashing between the blocks.

  5. Very nice! I like that line of blue squares with the smaller one interspersed in the line. It looks like you were right on your guessing of wear the "sashing"? goes. Is that the correct term for it?

  6. Oh I like it! I bet you will make this pattern again:)

  7. As always, your quilts look perfect. Look at those lovely points! You really are talented.

  8. Im with Val on the sashing. Gorgeous! Happy Thanksgiving Nancy


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