Summer is . . .

July 2020

 . . . curtains billowing in the early morning air



  1. Now, that looks so nice...wishing mine were billowing...but it is very still (and humid) here.

  2. How I wish it was like that here but the only blowing that happens is the fans and AC. Pretty picture.

  3. If I opened the windows here, we'd suffocate. With the humidity, it's almost 100 degrees (and it's only 11 am). We haven't had any rain in two weeks. REally hoping they come through with storms on the weekend like they are promising

  4. I always have loved that sight Nancy. Especially when I had a wee baby in a crib nearby napping. I just loved the peace of the curtains moving. If it could just cool down a tad we will be opening up windows again!

  5. Your photo brings back memories! In the early spring, Mom would open all of the windows and her pretty, sheer curtains would float on the air. Then it would became Arizona hot and she would close the windows and turn on the evaporative cooler. Happy time in my life!

  6. oh, so nice to have the weather for you to do this finally! Looks beautiful!

  7. Yes! When we can have the windows open! :)

  8. I have all of the windows open in the trailer tonight. It always cools down to the 40's or 50's at night here in the summer. It's just one reason I love the mountains so much. No curtains here though. :-)

  9. what a great photo!! I take it you aren't sweltering in 95+ degree heat!!!!

  10. So true! Except we don't have curtains!

  11. I love this photo! We've been able to have the air off the past few days and it's been so nice.


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