Army Strong

Army Strong
60 x 78 inches
Quilt of Valor #186

Army Strong was made with a panel included in the box of fabric I received last week from Jean F. in Iowa. I've never made a branch specific QOV before, so this one was fun and quick to make. The camouflage in the center panel made choosing border fabric a challenge, but I think the dark grey and gold accent the panel well. 

The pattern was also in Jean's box - a Villa Rosa Designs pattern card called "Daring Spirit."

Jean thank you for making this QOV possible. 


  1. Love the name. The panel is very striking and you were clever to use a simple set of borders. The stars look great. I can really imagine this one appealing to a younger veteran or active duty soldier. Great job!!

  2. The fabrics you chose to go with the panel are great. Love the stars. Turned out really nice Nancy!

  3. The colors go together perfectly.

  4. How wonderful! Nancy, you and your giving spirit are so wonderful to see. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  5. That panel certainly did stitch up nicely, well done!

  6. Oh, my gosh! I love it.

  7. I don't always like panel quilts but this one is wonderful. It is so somber and yet beautiful. Another great job!

  8. Oh, my! You pounded this out so quickly! It is fantastic!!!!!

  9. I love the colors in this one.

  10. That’s a nice quilt. Appears it came together really fast too.


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