Sign of the Times

sign from Pingora Yarns
Lander, WY

This sign was posted on the Pingora Yarns Facebook page, and I thought it was fun and timely. I borrowed blatantly stole the photo and cropped out the sale information. 

If you're looking yarn from the Mountain West, Carrie has a nice variety. 


  1. Clever marketing! Bet it brought a smile to many faces - even the non-knitters must have smiled.

  2. That's clever--I'm sure it triggers a very subconscious panic to buy for a lot of us!!!

  3. If I just left an odd comment it's because Blogger keeps publishing before I hit the publish button. It I didn't it's because Blogger threw it away. I can't win with comments this morning. Darn you Blogger. Araignee

  4. That is very clever. I'm sure it give people an unconcious urge to buy yarn, (and toilet paper.)

  5. Oh yeah! I've been doing my part. LOL

  6. I like the CODY skien and the mohair is lovely

  7. Cute sign. I think I’ll go look at the yarn Carrie has.

  8. I could not agree more with the sentiment!


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