Something to Ponder

from Facebook

This graphic sums up my feelings perfectly. 

Please wear a mask when in public to help stop COVID-19 from infecting you, your family, friends, and community. 


  1. Absolutely! It boggles my mind that this issue has become political.

  2. Exactly!! A friend - who works in IT in a big hospital system - posted a rant on Facebook yesterday saying she would wear her mask at work, but would quit shopping in stores requiring a mask. I was shocked at her attitude! And very disappointed.

  3. Perfect! Maybe instead of saying "please wear a mask" they need to say "you must wear a mask to enter."

  4. I love that.
    I saw a mom with three kids ignore the sign requiring masks at the door to a store, refuse to put on a mask when asked nicely to do so, and storm out yelling, "You've lost a customer!"

  5. EXACTLY! But, I guess there is a certain percentage of the population that is just to pig headed to hear.

  6. Where I live, most people refuse to wear masks, social distance, or let along wash their hands. I've heard all the excuses and read all the rants. Huge 4th of July celebrations are planned with people standing shoulder to shoulder for a parade in Lander. Packed city park. Street dances. The virus numbers continue to climb.

  7. I've tried unsuccessfully to convince people to wear masks.
    You might want to share this information:

  8. I am recovering from breast cancer and have battled M.S. for thirty years, afraid to go out to even a doctors appointment because some idiotic selfish people refuse to wear a mask.Even in doctors office some refuse to wear one.

  9. Too true! We are a nation of grumblers!

  10. Dennis had a doctors appointment today and he said NO ONE was wearing a mask at the doctors office. Including the doctors and nurses! I forgot to order milk in my pick up order so I thought I would just run in and grab a gallon. I had a mask on and so did about 3 other people I saw besides the employees. There were probably about 100 or more others in the store that didn't have one on. We have a mandatory mask order in our state and yet people are not obeying. So, beginning Monday they are closing businesses that are still letting people in without masks. It's crazy.

  11. I know some people just don't care...I am not sure what the solution is:(

  12. I will never understand how this became an issue. People are so stupid.

  13. oh boy. I thought i was commenting on my Kindle and now I m worried none of them have gone through. Oh well, I'll check. Um....I convicnced a man to wear a mask yesterday


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