Transforming Junk into Art

Up close, these items appear to be randomly placed, but step back and suddenly their placement makes sense. 

horse sculpture
by Terry Jones
Southlands Shopping Center
Aurora, CO
July 2019
Photos of the artist's other work can be seen here.


  1. Just genius! My husband collects 'junk' and I have often asked him to put his welding skills to use with his pile--this would look so much better! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I LOVE junk sculpture.

    There is a park in St. Petersburg, Florida that has several "junk" sculptures. SOME are hidden up in the trees. It is the coolest thing ever!

  3. Amazing! I think the junk sculpture genre really lends itself to becoming animals. There are some beautiful examples in Rapid City and other Black Hills towns.

  4. Very cool. I've seen a few junk sculptures and they are always intriguing to me.

  5. Now that is one neat horse. The imagination it takes to do something like that is beyond me.

  6. That's very clever! We once came across a life sized horse constructed from horseshoes in the middle of nowhere.

  7. People are so creative talented and imaginative. LOVE the horse

  8. I LOVE junk sculpture! He sure has done a lot of great ones! People who do these things have the best creative imaginations! Blessings to you, Nancy! ♥


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