Closer and Closer . . .

Garter stitch scarf
July 2019
The ball of yarn is shrinking, so the garter stitch scarf will soon be finished. I plan to graft the two ends together to create an infinity scarf. It's been an enjoyable project for watching TV, for visiting with friends, and for sitting on the patio.

I like the colors of the yarn. Even though it's technically sock yarn, I would never knit socks with it, as the yarn has very little twist, is inconsistent in thickness, and tends to split.


  1. Very pretty yarn - that will be a nice, warm cowl/infinity scarf when you finish.

  2. Such a talent, you are!!!! are a great talent!!

  3. Woo hoo!!!! It won't be long now!

  4. That ball is sure getting smaller! The gradient colors are very nice and will go with almost anything.

  5. The colors are going to make this a beautiful scarf to wear!
    You are knitting your summer warmth into the stitches!

  6. It is so pretty Nancy Im sorry it was splitty on you. I really don't like when yarn behaves that way!

  7. Nice work! is it hard to graft garter stitch?


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