Topsy Turvy Reading

When I was teaching, my students would often sit at a table beside my desk and discuss their essays with me. I grew quite adept to reading upside down. Once in a while, it still comes in handy.

Is this a skill that you've developed?


  1. Yes! I used to write love notes to my husband backwards and he had to use the mirror to understand it! lol

  2. Oh yes!! I can read that easily!!

  3. Years of reading with kindergarten students helped me perfect this skill.

  4. I don't know how/where I developed it, but I can read upside down.

  5. Same here. I also learned to write upside down so I could help them edit. Of course this was at a first grade level so it's not that impressive. Lol....

  6. Never trued before but yes I can read it.

  7. have always been quick at it, don't know why but it is fun!

  8. I did - and for the same reason you did. Maybe it's an "English teacher" thing. LOL

  9. Yep. I started out writing from right to left, too, as a child. It's actually kind of fun to be able to do this.

  10. Yes, although I developed it when I worked in advertising and I wanted to read the notes that my boss was writing without him noticing. That was pre-computer days!

  11. Apparently I have the skill but I have no idea how I developed it! :-)

  12. I can do it -- much to my surprise!

  13. Yep. Not that hard for me. Fun to read about it though.


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