I'm Baffled . . .

. . . with my yarn winder! I've used a swift and a yarn winder for several years, and have enjoyed the neat and tidy yarn cakes the winder produced.  However, about two years ago, my reliable winder started skipping and creating large loops of yarn on the top and bottom of the cake. At first it was peculiar, but I was still able to knit from the cake without any problems.

Then the loops became more frequent and larger, and knitting from them was nearly impossible as the bottom loops would ultimately pull through to the top and become twisted with the top loops. I thought it was the yarn winder (it was old) so I ordered a new winder - the problem continues.

It doesn't matter how fast or slow I turn the crank to wind the yarn. It doesn't matter how high or low, I hold the yarn as it comes into the winder. The loops result no matter what I do.

Now, I'm baffled as to the cause and the solution. Has anyone else had this problem? Have you found a solution?


  1. I've had that happen once or twice, but haven't figured out why. Strange (and annoying).

  2. I haven't had it happen, but I've heard about it from several podcasters.

    My cakes aren't always perfectly tidy, but they don't make loops. That must be VERY frustrating.

  3. No idea, but is the little arm in the right place?

  4. I have the same problem with my one and only winder (it's from Knitpicks.) Mom has a Royal one she's had for 30 years and she's never had a problem with it.

  5. I have the exact same problem and I even ordered a new Knit Picks winder. I haven't tried it yet but I am seriously doubting it's going to solve the problem. I am going to try attaching it to the table this time instead of holding the winder in my hand. I keep thinking it's something I'm doing.

  6. Oh no! I have no idea but that has to be frustrating. Even with a new winder? I have a cheap plastic one and that hasn't happened, yet.
    I sure hope you can figure it out.

  7. I wind my own yarn in a ball by hand...but I am certain you are very frustrated!

  8. I started having that problem just this week! I think my old Royal winder that I bought from Knit Picks 25+ years ago knows that new ones were on sale recently and I didn't buy one.

  9. That looks incredibly frustrating. What brand do you have? I have a Lacy's that I got 3 or 4 years ago, and it's not very good. If you buy a new one, I'd try a different brand of winder.

  10. I have a KnitPicks that is very old but it is still going. Do you wind fast? I know it does like the yarn coming through the guide in front of the winder (opposite your crank). Sorry for the frustrations!

  11. That sometimes happens here, too, but not as bad as what you've pictured. If you find out why let us know as it seems to be a common problem.


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