Pioneer Plaza Sculptures

longhorn sculptures
Eagle Bronze Foundry
Lander, WY
September 2017
Two large longhorn sculptures stood behind the Eagle Bronze Foundry building. I noticed a large "D" brand on their left side, and remembered that the longhorns on display in Lander do not have the brand. I asked our guide if these two will become part of the small herd in Lander, shown in this earlier post. She said the two longhorns were originally made as part of herd on display in Pioneer Park in Dallas, Texas, but these two were never placed in the park. One their side is the large "D" brand, indicating they are part of the "Dallas" herd.

I'd love to see the trail drive display in Dallas, where more than 49 longhorns and three horseback riders are on display in Pioneer Park. All of the bronze sculptures in the park were cast at Eagle Bronze Foundry.  More information on the Pioneer Park display can be found here.

Note the small sheep sculpture in front of the longhorns. It was one of several at the foundry for repair. Our guide told us the sheep were from a display in Utah or Idaho (sorry I don't remember which) and a gentleman who was upset about his divorce ran his pickup into the herd of sheep on the courthouse lawn.
sheep sculptures to be repaired
Some of the sheep were scraped, but others had broken legs. The workers at the foundry will repair all of the sculptures to their original condition.


  1. Sheesh ........get divorced and take it out on the sheep???? That seemed intelligent. ;-)

  2. The poor sheep looked pretty forlorn laying on their sides next to those magnificent longhorns. But it's good to know they can be repaired.

  3. You ask such good QUestions Nancy. We have one bronzestatue in downtown Lake Geneva that celebrates Andy GUMP ??? A comic strip character from the Chicago Tribune paper. Apparently it was smashed by drunken mobs in 1967. The town had it rebuilt.

  4. Love those poor sheep. Glad they are getting repaired/restored.

  5. Such magnificent long-horns! As for the poor broken sheep - divorce can be a very difficult business, as the sheep found out!

  6. I like these sculptures. The photo of the sheep needing repair, there's something about it. I know they are sculptures, but they look ill like they need repair in that position. Does this make sense? Anyways interesting!

  7. What an interesting tour you had. Thanks for all the info on Pioneer Park. I followed one of the links and learned quite a bit on that installation. Seems pretty cool to me. I must say the sculpture did a fabulous job on making the animals look like they could just step out of their posses and come to life. Thanks for a fun read.

  8. It seems like the sheep garner our sympathies because we are fiber people!!! I love Bronze sculptures and your tours have been wonderful! (Imagine seeing a whole herd of longhorns!)

  9. We live near Dallas & have seen the cattle there. They are fantastic! Wonder if this foundry made the horses in Las Colinas, a suburb of Dallas? Glad to see you have been doing well in your recovery - I haven't read blogs much lately. Was trying to catch up with yours.


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