Pat's Flags

Pat's Flags
61 x 72 inches
Quilt of Valor
The components of this Quilt of Valor came to me from Pat S. in Virginia in mid-October. Pat constructed all the blocks (paper-pieced) and for some reason the project stalled. She asked if I would be willing to accept her unfinished project (UFO).

The paper foundation for the blocks was very thick (almost the weight of interfacing), and I suspect that was the why the project became a UFO.

I knew the longarm volunteer would have difficulty with the thickness of the blocks, so I pondered the situation for a few days. I tried dissolving the paper without any luck.

The only solution I could think of was to trim the paper close to the sewing lines. I was relieved that I finished trimming all the blocks without nicking the fabric or snipping the sewing.

Once the bulk of the paper was off of the blocks, the quilt top came together easily and quickly.

Pat's Flags is QOV #123

Thank you, Pat for allowing me to turn your UFO into a Quilt of Valor.


  1. Terrific! That was quite an undertaking but oh, so worth it because this is a beautiful quilt. Congratulations on a great finish!

  2. I love this quilt so much. You are a doll to take on anothers UFO!!! Im not surprised Nancy! Hugs

  3. I can imagine your relief when you completed cutting away the paper without accidentally cutting the fabric. Another beautiful quilt!

  4. It turned out great. So glad you were able to rescue this.

  5. Oh my! I can imagine your relief when you finished trimming all of the paper without cutting the fabric. You are amazing! It turned out beautifully and I think it may be one of my favorites. I say that a lot don’t I? All of your quilts are so beautiful that I always think the newest one is my favorite! Ha ha!
    Blessings always, Betsy

  6. Beautiful! You are such a talented quilter.

  7. What a beautiful finish - congratulations! Job well done. I love how it looks like a bunch of L's.

  8. Great quilt. Gold stars to you for taking the time to rescue these blocks. They make a very nice quilt. Thanks to Pat for sending them on to you!


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