Knitting on the Road

I managed to do a lot of knitting on the road trip. The cuffs of the socks were knit on the way to Durango, the heel flaps and heel turns were knit at the motel in the evenings, and the foot on the trip back to my sister's house.

The weather was gorgeous on the trip, but we headed back a day early because snow was predicted and arrived on schedule.

Monday was a good day to stay inside . . .

in front of the fire . . .

fraternal twin socks
and finish knitting Marilyn's socks.

Match 100 socks finished


  1. Beautiful socks. I'm always amazed at how fast the foot part of the sock knits up after the cuff, leg and heel. Your home looks so cozy with the fire. We have snow in the mountains all around us today too.

  2. You always choose such pretty yarn for socks. Very nice! Isn't it nice to have some handwork like knitting to do when traveling?

  3. Love the socks they are a perfect fit.
    Thank you thank you

  4. Your blue socks are gorgeous. NIce travel work NANCY. Snow....too soon too soon. (in these parts anyhow)

  5. Those are some nice socks! The blue ones are a nice pop of color for dreary days. And it's always nice to be able to be cozy inside.

  6. Oooo, I do love that blue sock yarn! Is that snow? What the heck? I guess your socks kind of fall in to that frosty theme, but wow, snow? We are so on the other side of the weather spectrum right now.

  7. Snow! I love the stuff. I'd be in heaven in a place where it snowed in October! I haven't used Kroy in such a long time. People say it wears like nothing else.

  8. I love those blue socks!!!

    Ohhhhhhhh...that fire looks so inviting? What is to the left of your fireplace .... is that a place to put your firewood?

    Enjoy the snow ......I'm enjoying REAL autumn weather today (in Virginia).

  9. I heard there isn’t going to be snow in the mountains of Washington soon. Brrrrr

  10. I think we should do a meet and greet in your great room!
    The socks are beautiful-what a great job on both pairs!

  11. Great job on the socks. I never knit that fast! On the other hand I don't spend that much time on knitting socks either.

  12. I love the colors of the fraternal twins! They will be great with jeans! I'm waiting for our one Texas snow storm and hoping it will be early this year. It has been a hot, miserable summer!

  13. The snow on our mountains has melted, but I imagine that it won't be too long before it returns again.


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