Going To Greener Pastures

Eagle Bronze foundry is located in Lander, and it produces some wonderful works. I wish that more of their finished products were displayed in the area. The Lander community commissioned a display, called Bronze Roundup, and currently it consists of four pieces: three steers and a cowboy astride a horse. This "roundup" is displayed at the south entry to Lander.

All of the bronzes are full-size and are scattered down a hillside.

In my opinion, the cowboy appears to be bored or in a contemplative state as the steers ramble down the hillside. I have never seen cowboys at a roundup act as nonchalant as he appears. The steers at a roundup have an agenda of their own that does not match that of the cowboy.

Even the horse seems impatient with its rider and is stamping its leg as if to say, "Let's Go."

The longhorn steers seem to be headed for greener pastures. The head steer has its head up and is focused on the trail ahead; the others have their heads down looking for a tender blade of grass.


  1. I agree, that cowboy seems rather unanimated for the scene. ;-)

  2. So many interesting pieces of art in your town.

  3. Fun to see more of this interesting work.


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