Fun Display

truck display
Curiosity Shoppe
Laramie, WY
October 2018
This truck is one of the cutest display items I've seen. I can envision seasonal items in the truck bed and in the motor area throughout the year. Wouldn't it be fun with a tree in the back and lots of other Christmas decorations or the motor section filled with daffodils in the spring and geraniums in the summer?

It's too bad the window ledge wasn't deep enough to hold the truck because it would draw a crowd.


  1. Great idea - that would be wonderful! You should suggest it and see what happens.....

  2. That is so adorable!!!! What a cute little truck.

  3. I think I would hire a carpenter so it WOULD fit in the window!!!
    A really neat display and you have a great imagination for them to use it right!

  4. That truck would also make fabulous decor.

  5. gah - fabulous GARDEN decor! That's what I get for typing too fast!

  6. That would be a great idea! I could just see it sitting next to a big red barn. Blessings, Betsy

  7. I love little old trucks. We have a honda truck and it is too big for me to drive and park easily . I need a little truck

  8. Fun truck! A place we like to eat has a smaller truck on display; both remind me of long ago fun.

  9. You are right, that would be so much fun to decorate!! Hugs,

  10. It's a wonderful display and I Like how you think!


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