Bonus HSTs

186 HSTs
February 2019
A major benefit of using the same pattern to make the last three Quilts of Valor was the resulting 186 bonus HSTs (half-square triangles) - 62 from each quilt. You may have noticed that the quilts used the same fabrics - or colors - for the flying geese used for the star points: that decision was deliberate.

sewing 5 inch squares on the rectangles to create
flying geese units
Since the flying geese were large 5 x 9.5 inches, the "bonus" HSTs were larger than usual. To save time, I sewed an extra seam on the units and then . . .
cutting between the two seams on the flying geese units
cut between the two seam lines.
flying geese units and bonus HSTs before pressing
Once the units were cut apart, they were pressed.
flying geese units on the left -- bonus HSTs on the right
Each quilt required 31 flying geese units, and their corners created 62 bonus HSTs. It's hard for me to imagine that some people throw these corners away when they are cut off of the flying geese.

I'm not sure how I will use the 186 bonus HSTs, but they could become pinwheels, star points, flying geese, or a several other options.


  1. OH yes...I save them too!!! Pinwheels and chervons are my go-to tiny blocks to make from them!

  2. I'm confused...but I don't quilt so it's ok. That is a whole lot of bonus stuff though!

  3. Very clever of you to think ahead and do those seams right away. Just the right project will present itself for those bonus HSTs.

  4. Throw them away?! That’s crazy! How clever of you to keep them and use them in other projects. It will be fun to see what you come up with. Blessings, Betsy

  5. Thats a nice little pile of bonus HSTs you have, you are sure to come up with a plan for them. Must admit that I don't always keep mine.

  6. I've always wanted to make a Flying Geese quilt. Those colors are very pretty together.

  7. I'm not surprised you save them and create beauty with them!

  8. Such precision! You are so good with a machine!

  9. And you will create an awesome quilt; I am sure of that!

  10. Brilliant! I used to keep the smaller triangles and would sew them together the same way -- but I finally became inundated in little triangles that I didn't want to use because they we TOO small. I'm looking forward to what you decide to do with these extra triangles.


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