
  1. LOL - I know that kind of day. Luckily this is not one of them for me!

  2. That is Daughter's cat. It even look like the little bugger. If you sit anything on her kitchen island it ends up right on the floor.

  3. Perfect! sometimes Fezzik loves to toss things off the table and watch them fall......

  4. I own a cat like that! IT's funnier in the comic strip!!!! lol

  5. 😂😂😂!! Hugs,

  6. Yep. Frannie pushed my scissors, my knitting needles and my crochet hook off of the table by my chair last night. All while staring directly at me. Cats!
    Blessings, Betsy

  7. Too accurate! It even looks like my cat.

  8. Ha! I don't cranky, I just don't feel awake some days. But I'm not a coffee drinker. Some times tea will wake me up....


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