Clearing My Mind

finger labyrinth
February 2019
This finger labyrinth was a Christmas gift to myself, and I use it more than I thought I would. Although it's designed to use a finger to work through the labyrinth, I often use a pachinko ball that was a souvenir from my time in Japan. The ball is the perfect size for the pathway.

Often, I use the labyrinth right before going to bed: it helps to clear my mind and slows my breathing.


  1. Your labyrinth is beautiful.

    I thought the idea of a labyrinth calming the mind was all a bunch of hooey until I actually walked one with no one around. Thinking on the silence and where to put my feet was very calming.

    Thankfully we have one not far from our house.

  2. I have looked at these so many times and almost bought one. Maybe I should. I also thought that it would make a neat gift for the girls when we get together for "Sisters' Weekend."

  3. How interesting. I've never heard of this before.

  4. I havne't heard of that before, but I think I need one.

  5. I have never heard of a finger labyrinth before. The concept sounfpds interesting, almost meditative.

  6. I like it. I like anything that promotes better sleeping, and a calming reset. Sometimes I imagine knitting stockinette. LOL

  7. I have never seen that before. Interesting.......

  8. Well you never fail to amaze me...I will have to check these out.

  9. I've never seen one of these either--I'm glad it works for calming you down in the evening especially!

  10. Interesting! I do my deep breathing exercises with my legs over the couch and sometimes fall asleep there:)

  11. I've never seen one of these, but it looks like it would be very calming. I use breathing a lot, but I can see where this would be helpful.

  12. Very interesting. I, too, have not heard of a finger maze. I have found that actively controlling my breathing helps with falling asleep as does reciting the alphabet backyard. My newest attempt is to memorize do, re, mi, fat etc backwards because sometimes that is part of our warmup for chorus. I get totally confused going backward on it!


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