
  1. Oh my goodness! This is so true of the way our cats have always looked at us. But then again, I could never get Frannie into a sweater. She would fight me tooth and nail. Blessings, Betsy

  2. This reminds me of something I saw on Twitter today, where a woman learned to knit and made her cat a hat!

  3. Poor kitty!
    I've never had a cat that would tolerate clothes! Too bad - they look so cute!

  4. Too funny! As a little kid I had a cat that would let me dress her up in doll clothes and push her around in my doll buggy. But I can guarantee the current cat king in the house wouldn't put up with it.

  5. Ive been there and Ive done that! LOL

  6. So cat-like. A dog would be slobbering all over and gushing about the beautiful coat. Fun comic.


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