Where Is It Located?

amaryllis growth
November 18, 2018
Earlier this month, I went into Ace Hardware to purchase an amaryllis. I asked one of the guys wearing an official vest where the amaryllis bulbs were located. He said, "Follow me," and he led me through the store and directly to the light bulb aisle. He scanned the shelves for the bulb. I laughed and said, "It's a plant."

He blushed and sheepishly led me to the appropriate aisle. I wonder if he shared the story with his coworkers?


  1. LOL - great story Nancy! I hope to get to a local nursery this weekend to pick up some bulbs (some to give and some to keep).

  2. LOL...thank you for beginning my day with laughter. How did you keep a straight face? Poor fella.

  3. That is so funny! I hope he did see the humor and share it with folks - after he was done being embarrassed.

  4. Aw that's cute! And reminds me I need to did my amaryllis out again!

  5. Hahaha!! I saw some at Costco the other day, but they were so costly...I left it there!!

  6. Ha! That’s funny. I hope he realized how funny it was and shared the story with others.
    Blessings, Betsy

  7. Oh NO!!! poor guy. HE must have been so embarassed. Well, at least now he knows about those gorgeous bulbs and flowers!

  8. LOL Well, at least you found it!!!

    I once asked the grocer where the SPELT was and he led me to the fish department. I had to tell him that spelt is a grain. He didn't have any.

  9. That's too funny! You taught him something today-good work!


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