
  1. I did a early mail in so all done for me.

  2. Torrential rain, bad parking conditions, long lines, and an awkward meet up with the realtor we fired couldn't stop me. LOL

    I VOTED!!!

  3. We have to vote by mail here in Spokane so no polling places to contend with. We voted over two weeks ago!

  4. Will be voting after volunteering this morning. Then listening tonight to results. GOd BLess America

  5. I voted early on my way to a meeting for work. And thank goodness we can watch TV without being blasted with political ads at least for a few months.

  6. Lots of rain but no long lines. I'm worried.

  7. We voted before a lunch from an Amish store. They make the yummiest sandwiches for about $5.00. We had heavy rains yesterday morning (Tuesday) but it was clearing up by noon. A nice steady line where we were. They were moving along well. We were happy with Virginia's results.

  8. The line was over an hour at noon at my polling place, but that didn't deter voters. Voting is too important; the least we can do is wait in line.


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