Caught in the Act

deer caught raiding pumpkins on display
Parker, CO
October 2018
Brenda snapped this photo of a deer munching on her neighbor's pumpkins. He looks surprised to have been caught in the act.


  1. That face says, "nothing to see here. Mind ya'own business." LOL

  2. I saw one picture where there were moose on the porch munching on pumpkins.

  3. How funny! He does look surprised.

  4. What a brazen fellow! And that is a great picture that Brenda got.

  5. I do miss living in a place where deer wander right up... of course, they'd probably eat my gardens if they did!

  6. That deer is pretty brave - or tame - to be that close to the house. When our bird feeders were hanging closer to our house, the deer would look right into our windows, sometimes startling us and the deer.

  7. Too funny!!! Here is used to be squirrels that would get them and gnaw all the faces off the Jack O'lanterns.

  8. Oh boy!!! Deer in rut......crazy pants!!! What a pretty photo though.

  9. Busted! I saw a video of two moose eating someone's pumpkins on a porch--animals in the suburbs-too funny!

  10. What a picture. I can see the caption "Who me? I didn't eat that pumpkin. No sir!" Thanks for the chuckle.

  11. That is a bold deer, to be so close to the house in broad daylight.


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