Happy Thanksgiving

view from George Washington's pew
Christ Church, Alexandria, VA
April 1995
Did you know that George Washington was the first President to write a proclamation for Thanksgiving? President Lincoln took steps to make Thanksgiving a permanent federal holiday.


  1. This is such a magnificent picture, the pure white with the candle, the grave stones and the red brick....wow

  2. What a beautiful photo. Thank you and a happy Thanksgiving.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving. As you no doubt realize, this holiday is not one we celebrate here in New Zealand. But I'm sure that any people living here from USA will be having their own celebrations.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! That is a lovely photo! :)

  5. Beautiful photo.

    I had to laugh. We had just been talking about marching bands and you not having some in Wyoming. Our Philadelphia parade ....first band up ........Wyoming's All-State Band. LOL They were pretty good and LOOKED FABULOUS!!! Cowboy hats and red, white and blue uniforms for the win!


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