Taiko Performance

Denver Taiko group
Laramie, WY
September 2018
Saturday, I attended a small festival at Laramie High School that featured Denver Taiko. I loved the energy and joy of the drummers, and I enjoyed their hour-long performance.

choreographed movements 
The group invited audience members on the stage to learn the drumming techniques. They also involved audience members who chose to stay in their seats.

This adorable little girl and her father did very well with the drumming technique.


  1. I would have loved that, good for you to go.

  2. EPCOT has Taiko drummers. I loved seeing their performances. They had a woman drummer that was absolutely amazing.

    Glad you got to see yours. Looks like a great group.

  3. You are getting out and about in your new community. GOOD for you. That looks very fun.

  4. That looks like so much fun! I have seen Taiko drummers in Japan. The energy it takes is astounding! I’m so glad there’s so much to see and do where you live. Blessings always, Betsy

  5. Definitely looks like it would have been a fun performance.

  6. We have seen Taiko drummers here in New Zealand too. As you say, amazing energy and great to watch and enjoy the music.

  7. Taiko drumming is so awesome and fun to watch. Intense and often beautiful. What a great performance to get a chance to see!

  8. Looks like a very interesting and enjoyable time!


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