Stitch by Stitch

Slowly, ever so slowly, the project on my needles is growing - stitch by stitch. Currently, there are more than 300 stitches on the needles, and every other round, I add six stitches.

I'm knitting the Utilitarian Faroese Shawl (Ravelry link), and hopefully, I'll finish it this weekend.


  1. Wow.....I need to stop complaining about my 260!

  2. That looks like it will be lovely with the yarn you have chosen!

  3. I really love a good knit and this is too beautiful to call utilitarian! lol

  4. It is looking beautiful. I have mine in my bag ready to knit n in the car today as we drive across Montana to our first stop in Billings. I’m just to the point where you begin with what the author calls the TV Knitting! I’m really enjoying this song and I think I’ll make one for myself after I finish Christmas presents. Thanks for the suggestion!

  5. Yikes!But that will be incredibly useful!

  6. Those are long rows! But that yarn looks nice and squooshy!

  7. What a pretty color! That's a lot of stitches; I was complaining about a total of 279, no more.

  8. It will sit beautifully on your shoulders. Lovely yarn NANCY!!

  9. That will keep you busy! I would make it longer than they show on the link...:)

  10. The shawl is beautiful and I would like to think I could make something like this but it does look like a major project.
    I have only recently discovered that I am once again able to knit by using circular needles. They work by a different motion and therefore don't upset the parts of my body that used to say no. Been quite nice to be able to click those needles again. I still find myself looking for the second needle only to realise I don't need to.


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