Blogger Lunch Date

Judy and Mr.
Riverton, WY
August 2015
The morning before I left for the road trip with my sister and niece, I got an email from Judy at Daily Yarns 'n More, and she threw me off balance when she asked how far I lived from Casper, WY.  I explained that I lived in Riverton, which is about a two-hour drive from Casper.

I was delighted to hear that Judy and her Mr. (that's the name she gives him on her blog, so I won't reveal his name here) were driving right through my town, and I gave directions to the Roasted Bean where I would meet them for lunch.

We had a wonderful visit over lunch: Judy and I have been reading each other's blogs for a couple of years, maybe more, and we knew quite a bit about each other's interests. Her poor Mr. was at a definite disadvantage, but when I asked him some questions about his barn and the sugaring process, he jumped right in, and the conversations between the three of us flowed smoothly.

Judy and Mr. were on their way to Spokane, WA for their daughter's wedding. Mr. slipped away from the table at one point, and came back with a pint of pure maple syrup that he and Judy had collected from their own trees. How cool is that! From reading Judy's blog, I knew their harvest this year was considerably less that previous years, so their gift means even more to me.

I promised Judy and Mr. some local honey from Doug's (my friend Sheila's husband) hives, but he hasn't extracted it yet. I hope Judy and Mr. will enjoy the pale, gold honey from the Wind River Valley when I send it to them.

Judy is an amazing photographer and regularly posts beautiful photos of her area, especially barns. Here's the link to her blog.

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P.S. Did you see the post yesterday about the Take and Replace Swap that I'm organizing? Why not join the fun. Click on the link and leave a comment if you're interested.


  1. How neat! We're hoping to visit your part of Wyoming soon too. When I feel I just can't take another day of the heat here, I google cool places and Casper is now on a permanent bookmark at Ha!ha!

  2. That was really special. Glad you had a great time.

  3. That sounds like a fun meeting. I've met a couple of bloggers so far, but hope to connect with more over time. Personally, I feel that several of the bloggers I am in contact with frequently have become "friends".

  4. It's so cool that you got to meet and chat!

  5. Fun to meet other bloggers, I went over for a visit:)

  6. How fun! I saw a photo of you two together on her blog the other day.

    John is from Vermont, so I'm am very well acquainted with pure maple syrup. Had some this morning on my English muffin. We store a large jug of it in the freezer (it thickens, but doesn't freeze solid) and refill a smaller jug in the refrigerator as needed.

  7. What a fun surprise! Glad you had a nice visit.

  8. Sounds like a fun time! Enjoy the maple syrup! And have a good weekend.

  9. How did I miss this post (lol). We had a wonderful visit with you and Mr was not bored at all, he enjoyed the visit as well.

  10. What a neat thing. If I ever go north and west I'll contact you!


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