
nice variety of fabric scraps
from Susan D. in PA
August 2022

Susan D. (central PA) contacted me and asked if I could use some small fabric pieces/scraps for making Quilts of Valor. I readily accepted her offer because I prefer to make scrappy quilts and its the variety of fabric that make the best quilts. 

note that accompanied the fabric

The fabric arrived last week, and I was delighted with the fabric pieces and the variety. Thank you, Susan! These fabrics will definitely be useful.

After ironing the pieces, I cut them into the sizes that I use the most: 2.5 inch strips and squares, 5 inch squares, 6.5 inch squares and 10 inch squares. It's handy to have the fabric cut and in bins, and I often search the bins for a particular size/color when making a quilt. 

When working with scraps, organization is paramount. 


  1. How generous! Scrappy quilts are my favorites too. My great grandmother made nothing but using all the bits of clothing that would have gone in her immense rag bag. They are absolute masterpieces all stitched by hand on her big floor frame. I'm lucky enough to still have several of them.

  2. You are right - variety of fabric really make the best scrappy quilts. And these are lovely. I'm sure the donor is happy to know they will be used.

  3. It never surprises me how generous crafters are. Enjoy your new fabrics.

  4. That was definitely a generouse donation. I know you'll use them and very soon too. Clever you having them all cut and ready to go!
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. What a nice selection of fabrics! I know you will put them to good use.

  6. So nice! That reminds me, I have to tame scrap mountain at some point soon. I have bins.... but finding the energy to cut up scraps after ever project is where my organizational skills fall apart. I currently have a basket that's overflowing.

  7. How kind. Susan certainly knew that you would appreciate them and use her fabric pieces.

  8. Perfect scraps for you... I'm sure you'll make them in to a wonderful QOV.


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