Grab and Go

On the end of the kitchen counter and next to the garage door is a pottery yarn bowl where my keys live. I don’t have to search for misplaced keys because they are placed here when I get home and grabbed from the bowl when I leave. 

I also place any important papers or reminders on top of the bowl. 

Do you have a designated place for your keys? 


  1. They stay in my purse and all others hand on a special board coming in from the garage.

  2. I have a key hanger by the door, and I *try* to remember to hang my purse and keys there when I come in. I'd say I'm at a 50% success rate, lol. The rest of the time I'm searching the house for where I absently set them down.

    I did invest in a cheap carabiner clip for my keys though... that way when I'm out and about, I can clip my keys to my purse strap and I don't have to go searching for them at the bottom of my purse, or worse, in some unknown place where I set them down. As soon as I lock the truck, they get clipped to my purse.

  3. I keep my car fob in my tiny purse that will hold my cell phone and credit cards. It just has to be with me to start the car. The rest of the keys are hung on the key board right inside the door.

  4. Since the pandemic, I keep my keys in the "mask bag". I don't carry a purse anymore. I carry a bag full of sanitizers and K95s when I go out which is rarely these days.

  5. HAHAHAHAHA no. We did put a wooden box by the front door but the only thing there is the hangtang so we can park at the beach without paying!

  6. My keys stay in my purse. But I have a set of hooks in my utility room just inside the door to the garage. All of the extra keys hang there. Ironically when I lent my daughter my car last winter, I gave her both sets of keys - just in case. But turns out the backup set was actually for Dave's car not mine. And of course one of the kids locked the keys in the car and that backup set didn't work.

  7. I have my keys in my purse. I just have to have my keys close to the car to start it. We have a "Home" key holder by the door to the garage.

  8. My stay I'm my handbag, they should go I to an inside pocket but sometimes bey end p in tnd bottom of the bag! Then I have to pull things out looking for them. Robin's keys are more organized. I bought him a nice wooden bowl for keys which sits on top of his dresser. But sometmes he leaves them on the dinining table or the coffee table.

  9. My current 6.5yo car is keyless entry/start/lock with the faub nearby so it lays in the bottom of my purse. My prior car I drove for 17y, the keys were dropped in a basket entering the kitchen. Like you, never a concern about their location.

  10. Mine live in my purse-unfortunately, they are the only set right now bc Bill has misplaced his....

  11. I’m a key person also. I am resisting a new car for various reasons along with having a good car with low mileage for its age. Usually my keys are hung on a key rack (rack made by our son 20+ years ago) just inside the door to the garage. It helps to have a place for everything and everything in its place. (A quote from hubby.). I try to keep up but some days things get pit down in the wrong place and the big hunt begins!

  12. My sister gave me a round Longaberger basket a few months ago. It is where the keys go.

    I love your coin jar. New blog:


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