End of the Queue

Redcliffe City sock
July 2022

This sock was started in June, but finishing older projects in the knitting queue was a priority. Now, the Redcliffe City socks are my lone knitting project, so they should progress much faster. 

I like the Perth yarn, but I consider it a "very light fingering" weight. I'm knitting with size 2 needles, but probably should have used size 1 for a tighter fabric.


  1. Only 1 knitting project remaining? You have discipline! What a pretty color.

  2. Ahhhh, guilt-free knitting! lol the socks are a beautiful yarn and will be a continued joy to knit.

  3. I've never used that kind of yarn. It's very pretty.

  4. I've been fighting with needle sizes for socks myself. I've knit hundreds of pairs and why at this moment I would be having a crisis over needles is beyond me. I think it's a sign I don't have enough important stuff to worry about which means Karma is usually right around the corner....lol.

  5. Such a pretty color and congrats on finishing up all your projects.

  6. I'm pretty sure I used a 1. The yarn knits up pretty nicely though. I don't remember where I got mine. I would definitely buy it again. Happy knitting. Congrats for getting to the end of the queue.

  7. Pretty yarn and wow for only having one knit project left!!

  8. Very pretty yarn. But size 2 needles that should have been 1? Wild.


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