Around Town

vertical garden 
between First andSecond Streets on Garfield 
Laramie, WY
August 2022

Parts of the garden have done better than others this summer. The garden has vegetables and flowers tucked in between the slits in the metal columns. It adds a bit of green to downtown Laramie. 

violas and lettuce flourishing side by side


  1. I love it! One summer I used a big old metal mattress spring to hang pots and grow running plants on. Best beans and peas ever but the next year-nothing.

  2. Cool! Hope someone enjoyed the lettuce!

  3. That is really pretty! Green spaces in the midst of cities are such a pleasant surprise, and this one is really unique and interesting too.

  4. So neat! I'm contemplating some vertical elements I can add to my garden next year.

  5. That is very cool. I've seen these in a few places. I bet this year's lack of rain (though you did have a LOT recently) has not helped.

  6. Now that is really neat. Do people pick and eat the veggies or is for ornamentation only?

  7. What a pretty use of a vertical space--love the contrast between the lettuce and violets!


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