Multi-task Knitting

Even though I haven't posted for a couple of weeks, I haven't been idle. I volunteered to work at the reception desk at the Eppson Center (senior center) three days for an employee who was on vacation. The mornings I worked at the desk were busy with individuals coming in for tax preparation, with phone calls to schedule tax appointments and others asking to speak to various employees at the center. I had a few calls asking for general information, and even a gentleman who needed a recommendation for a plumber. 

I did manage to squeeze in some knitting during my morning shifts. On Monday, I finished the sock cuff, on Tuesday, I worked on the heel flap and heel turn as well as picking up the gusset stitches. Wednesday, I finished the gusset decreases. Several people stopped by the desk to see what I was knitting and some even asked questions. 

I was pleased with the progress of the sock, and once the gusset was completed, the rest of the foot was a breeze. 
socks completed Sunday, April 3, 2022

The pair is finished, not quite a matching pair, but close enough to look like they are. These are a gift.


  1. They look fantastic! I love the colours. Well done.

  2. The socks are beautiful! How nice of you to volunteer to work at the center. I sure know that they appeciate the work that you did. I can imagine that it's a busy time right now with taxes. I've been missing your posts but seeing your comments on other blogs I guessed that you were busy. I was right! :-)
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. I remember you saying that you would be volunteering. And, it sounds like it was a busy time. Nice that you could fit a little knitting in on the side. I really like the colors in the yarn you used - very nice!

  4. Welcome back! Sounds like your volunteer time was busy and maybe even kind of fun. Lovely socks! I wouldn't be surprised if you got offers to purchase whatever you were knitting as people saw these. I had a coworker who used to knit during meetings a lot, and she actually sold a few scarves and cowls to people who saw what she was working on and offered to buy.

  5. They are very handsome socks. The colors remind me of sock monkey.

  6. More socks, very nice indeed. I wouldn't be able to knit socks while being "on duty" with people and phones to deal with. When doing heels and toes I need to be somewhere quiet by myself, counting and marking off rows in my notebook!

  7. I 1ove your socks and hearing about your fi11 in job!

  8. Nice work on the socks! They look great. I'll bet they really appreciated your volunteering at the senior center. Sounds like you had some busy days there.


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