A Stitch in Time

Zeke and his Pop Pop
March 2022

My great-niece shared this photo of her dad and her little boy (Zeke) in a digital family album. I love the photo of Zeke, Dwight my nephew and his dog - Click. 

Seeing Dwight's sweater made me enlarge the photo to see how the knit cuff I repaired is holding up. Long time readers may remember that in 2018, Dwight asked me to repair the cuff

The original cuff was in rough shape. I am happy that the repaired cuff has been functional for over three years on the sweater that sees a lot of use. 


  1. What a fabulous photo! And good to know that your mending skill is surviving the test of time.

  2. That is a wonderful photo of the love between 2 generations. How clever that you could repair that cuff so the sweater could survive. Isn't it funny how certain favorite items of clothing just have to keep going? My younger daughter swiped an old jean jacket of her dad's, and I still see it on her once in awhile. It's soft and very worn, but she won't give it up.

  3. That is such a wonderful photo of love. Pop Pop gazing with love at Zeke and the dog doing the same with Pop Pop.
    You did a great job with that sleeve and I do remember when you repaired it. That sweater is obviously very well loved. :-)
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. What a great job you did on that cuff, I would not have known where to begin.

  5. I sure do remember when you repaired that cuff - great job. What a sweet, sweet picture!!

  6. Good job on the cuff. It's HARD to part with a piece of clothing that you love wearing. It's nice when it is something that can be repaired.

  7. You do such good work! Love that photo of Zeke.

  8. You did great work with that repair! Love the photo and would love to pet Click:)

  9. What a great photo! We had a Border Collie that looked just like that one. We always bragged that he was smarter than any of the kids.

  10. Such a happy photo. And I love click!


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