Inching Along

Noro scarf
April 2022

Progress has been made on the Noro Scarf in the last two weeks: the third and fourth skeins of Noro Silk Garden have been added to the two previous skeins. Since I’m basically at the halfway point, it appears the scarf will be approximately 50 inches long. 

I love how the colors are playing together in the first section. To keep the sides straight, the pattern says to slips the first and last stitches on the second row as if to purl, and it makes a nice smooth  edge. 


  1. You are doing a great job on the scarf! Just so striking!

  2. Pretty. Noro is such interesting yarn.

  3. That is very pretty Nancy. I've never used Noro but I've known a few knitters that choose it over everything else if possible

  4. What a pretty scarf! The colors are fabulous.

  5. I love how the colors are working out. It's a wonderful pattern. I used mine a lot when I first made it and then I made too many other things to compete with it. I kept it on the coat rack because I loved seeing it.

  6. I have a simi1ar yarn and it works up in a fun way! I a1so liked the hint on keeping the sides f1at!


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