Love of the Game

Mexican Train Domino players (bottom photo)
photo from Eppson Center April newsletter
(Gayle, Kathleen, Tania, Nancy, Bunny, Darlene, Marilyn, Paula)
November 2021

Every week, you will find me at the Eppson Center playing Mexican Train Dominos with a fun group. We've been playing together since 2018 with some time off when the Center was closed during the pandemic. Before the pandemic, we always had a full table (eight players), and some weeks we had enough players for two full tables. We enjoy playing so much that we don't even keep score. 

Last week the Center was closed for the installation of new carpeting, but the group decided to play at another location. We went to O'Dwyer's Restaurant/Pub and had a great time playing and enjoying a delicious meal afterward.

playing at O'Dwyer's 
(Pat, Bunny, Tania, Marilyn, Linda, Gary, Kathleen)
March 2022

The Eppson Center still requires masks, but masks are no longer required around town. We felt safe meeting without masks in this private room. It was wonderful to see everyone's face and smiles again even if it was only for an afternoon. This week we will be back at the Center and masked.


  1. So glad you have this to look forward to.

  2. What fun! Nice that you have a group to gather with and play.

  3. What fun! We used to play dominoes with our friends Neal and Jenny in Spokane, after our dinner out on date night. We always went back to our house and played Mexican Train for hours. We never kept score either. We played just for the fun of it. I don't know of anywhere except medical facilities that is still requiring masks. I'm sure glad to not wear one anymore. I love seeing people's smiles.
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. Now you've gotten me thinking! We used to play Mexican Train, but I can't remember who we played it with or when.

  5. Fun!!! I used to love to play dominoes with my parents. They would come over every Saturday night.

  6. What a wonderful afternoon with friends! Good for you!

  7. What a great group! Fun to see you a11 masked and then unmasked . Fun times!

  8. I love to play Mexican Train! My Grandgirls love it too! A fun game, you gals rock!

  9. Sounds like a fun crowd. Pun dominoes......seems so British. 😆


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