Growth Spurt

April 24, 2022

The Noro Scarf is nearly 40 inches long; thus, it has grown nearly 15 inches in two weeks. I'll gladly take that kind of progress. 

I've been knitting on the scarf during the Sunday FaceTime calls with my sister and nieces. I don't seem to mind knitting the ribbing when I'm talking with someone, but other times it is a slog. 

Spring and warmer temperatures are taking their time arriving in Laramie this year. A few quick snow storms have blown through in recent days but haven't dropped much moisture as the winds have been strong and fierce. Jackets and wool socks are still essential, and flannel sheets are still on my bed. I'd gladly welcome some green grass, leafing trees and shrubs, and blooming flowers, but until then, I will be happy with the Noro Scarf growth spurt. 


  1. Nice progress! I like knits for that when I have to go visiting, or sit in waiting rooms - it makes good use of the time, and you're right, it doesn't seem like such a slog

  2. That has grown a lot. Nice progress. And, I agree, it's the perfect knitting project when talking with others.

  3. Nancy, that scarf is beautiful. Its getting really long!

  4. What a great job on the ribbed scarf! It is so striking!

  5. It just keeps getting better!

  6. I've knitted several scarves, but never one as nice as yours!

  7. Wow, that's a pretty one! Nice work. Our paper just said that this April has been the coldest one in years!

  8. Cold and rainy here today, not snowing so that is a good thing. Sadie is asleep at my feet today keeping them warm. Good progress on your project

  9. Pat's out mowing the lawn as I type and it isn’t the first of the season here. Temps are suppose to go in the 80s here. I hope it doesn’t foretell a super hot summer. Noro scarf looks great. How long will it be when done? 40” sounds really long, 😉


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