Batten Down the Hatches!

Last week the wind howled through Wyoming! Interstates 25 and 80 were closed to light, high profile vehicles. Despite the warnings, semis and campers were toppled. In town, unsecured items took flight. My recycling bin rolled down the street. I had two wind causalities: the Spring outdoor quilt block, and the patio thermometer. One can be repaired; the other is toast. I got a chuckle from a post of the Next Door app about the carport. 

Wyoming wind is not for the faint of heart. 


  1. Awwww....that quilt block was so pretty.

    Hope "kiddo" was okay. LOL

  2. SD wind is wicked too. We had 60 mph winds on Thursday. More wind expected this week again. I just want some warm spring days!!

  3. I don't know if it's just age, but it seems a lot windier now than it did when I was younger. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention but we seem to have a lot more REALLY windy days.

    This area is definitely windier than where we used to live, but it was sheltered by the Niagara Escarpment, so that's not a surprise.

  4. Sorry that that wind made such a mess but glad you are still intact.

  5. I'm agreeing with Val - it seems much windier than when I was a youngster (many, many decades ago!!). Sorry about your quilt block and the thermometer, but glad you are ok.

  6. Whoa....that's some wind. It's been really windy here too. We used to be able to make fires outside but it's never not windy so we rarely do anymore.

  7. I recognized your Quilt Block right away! Glad it can be fixed! We've had unusual winds here , too, but not so wild!

  8. Crazy weather here, too. Glad your quilt block survived! Also glad that you didn't blow away!

  9. Hope you can fix the quilt block! It was a bad wind. :(


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