Hugs in the Mail

a package from Brenda
April 2022

Brenda paints during our weekly FaceTime calls, and this week two wooden, painted switch plates arrived in my mailbox. After Christmas, I requested the Elf Surveillance switch plate when I saw one she painted for her niece, but the round, Americana switch plate was a surprise even though I saw her working on it during our calls. 

Brenda does a beautiful job on all of her projects. 


  1. Oh, those covers would be such a great surprise in the mail! That Elf Surveillance made me laugh! Perfect! And the American flag one is beautiful.

  2. Those are abso1ute1y fun and beautiful 1ight switch gifts.

  3. How clever! Brenda did a great job on those switchplate covers. Very nice.

  4. Very cool gifts of love! The timing is always just right1

  5. Those switch plates are so clever! The patriotic one is very unique because it's round. I've never seen a round one before.

  6. They are both so cute!

    That Elf on the Shelf definitely needs an eye kept on him.

  7. Those are so cool!

  8. What cute switch plates! What a nice surprise for you, too.

  9. Great surprise package. The Elf Surveillance is darling. She does a great job on these.

  10. How wonderful! You are blessed to have her in your life!


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