Small Progress

I had hope to have the pickup panel QOV finished by now, but I was distracted this week by other projects, especially gathering documents for my taxes. I keep things organized on my end every month, so I get impatient waiting for documents to arrive from banks and the church. 

These tiny flying geese were part of the blocks that border the top and bottom of the panel. Hopefully next week, I’ll have more progress to share. 


  1. I, too, am very impatient waiting for tax documents. Last year it was late Feb/early March before I received some. And, once again, our accounting practice is not having in-person meetings. That fabric is pretty - spacey looking!

  2. We have been waiting for one final set of documents for our taxes too - something for my husband's company I guess. They are always the last thing to arrive. Then we'll drop everything off with the accountant.

  3. Seems the financial documents come later and later every year. I just want those dang taxes DONE!

  4. I've spent too much time trying to figure out our tax stuff this week too. The Mister is in high anxiety mode because our printers died. We are going to try to do them online this year so I'm going to need all the luck I can get.

  5. We were so glad to find out that our tax guy in Spokane could continue to do our taxes. I called several CPS's here and never got a call back. We were going to do them ourselves but since we had lots of changes last year we thought we better have them done for us at least for this year.

  6. I get tense waiting for the tax information to arrive too. Its si11y. We get it done every year. But I just don't 1ike it. It is 1ike having homework to me

  7. Slow progress is better than no progress! All your QOV quilts are quite amazing!

  8. We usually do our own taxes but this year because of the sale of three properties, we have to go for help--what a slog to my thnking! lol I hope to be able to bring knitting so I don't go crazy while waiting. Cute little flying geese!

  9. I mailed our taxes to the accountant today, I was glad to have it out of my hair!

  10. Flying geese blocks scare me.
    I am not very good at organizing for taxes. The fact that Keith does ours makes the entire marriage worthwhile.

  11. Cute little geese. Im lucky —Pat organizes and goes crazy waiting for all the documents.


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