Donation Package

quilt top donated by Jane S. in NJ
February 2022

I received a package from Jane S. from NJ on Friday. Jane donated a nearly finished quilt top, fabric for the borders, backing and binding. 

Thank you Jane for your generous donation for Quilts of Valor 


  1. You will have it off to the long arm quilter in no time! It's a beauty of a quilt!

  2. That is really pretty, and the maker chose well when she donated it to someone like you who will finish it and make it available to someone through QOV.

  3. How nice!! I 1ove this one!!! It is so nice of you to finish them!! Nancy you are a giver!!!

  4. That is such a pretty quilt and I know that you will finish it beautifully.

  5. It will be fun to see it finished! It's another beauty.

  6. Very kind of Jane. But it’s also kind of you because we all know you’ll finish it in a reasonable time and move it on to quilters.


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