My Lingering Pet Peeve

Shopping carts left willy nilly in a parking lot have long been a pet peeve of mine. In Wyoming the wind blows - a lot- so loose shopping carts can easily ram into vehicles causing dents and scratches. Carts left in a parking space create obstacles for someone looking for a parking spot, too. Some drivers try to “nudge” the carts out of the space with their vehicle which can cause it to dent and scratch other vehicles as it rolls. 

Thankfully, Laramie doesn’t have as many loose carts as other places I’ve lived or visited. 

Do you have a pet peeve? 


  1. I have not seen a loose cart in years! All the places we go seem to have corrals for carts and folks actually use them. My big pet peeve right now is folks who are not masking up. Big surprise, huh?

  2. I have several pet peeves - and those loose shopping carts is one of them. We get that wind blowing them across the parking lots too. I cringe when I hear people say "I seen . . ." and "flustrated".

  3. I'm with Vera. I cannot abide people who don't mask up. I also hate people who tailgate. Do they want to be in an accident?

  4. I hate the shopping cart thing too. We have so many corrals for them all over the parking lot that it doesn't make any sense just to leave them all over the place. My pet peeve is that parks pull their trash cans in the winter months making it hard for us dog walkers to dispose of.......well, you know. I HATE having to carry it around until I can find a can somewhere which usually means getting in the car and driving to a store parking lot. Ugh.

  5. I hate the shopping cart thing, but I REALLY hate people who throw garbage out the window of their car while driving. I just don't understand how anyone can think that is ok!

  6. Oh boy, I agree with everyone above. I must have a LOT of pet peeves. Also, a big one for me, and it's really ridiculous because it doesn't change anything in the grand scheme of things, is people who say, "I could care less". Then you SHOULD care less. The phrase is "I COULDN'T care less." I have no idea why that irritates me so much. :-)
    Have a great day Nancy!

  7. We see shopping carts no where near the grocery stores which makes me sad. One thing that annoys me lately is the cars speeding on our local streets, running the stop lights and not stopping at crosswalks for walkers.

  8. Yes I do! Sadly its Covid related. I really hate seeing people, or worse still, have them talk to me, with their mask under their nose! Usually strangers, quite often customers in shops, quite often servers. Recently when we had our cat Gemma at the vet's, an elderly lady was quite friendly and wanted to keep chatting to me, although she wasn't wearing her mask correctly and it was under her nose. All I could imagine were those tiny droplets in the air. So far I have resisted asking/telling them to pull their mask up properly. What so other do in this situation?

  9. yes. When dog waste is not picked up. The snow me1ts and the surprises are a rea1 mess

  10. My pet peeve is just people who are grumpy. There is no reason to be nice and polite! None.

  11. I wish that drivers would please use turn signals. Its not that difficult. Let the rest of us know what they are doing!

  12. News people that do not pronounce words correctly. I know we have a lot of crazy-named towns in this area, but before you go on camera, learn the words. You live here now. LEARN THE WORDS!

    The best on this week was --- Manalapan (a town in NJ)

    She said: Man-AH-Lap-Pin It is: Man-AL-a-pan

  13. Oh Nancy when I was young I listened to someone rant about unparked carts... since then I have never been able to leave my cart unparked! I understand how you feel!!

  14. When I first read your post I couldn’t come up with much more than agreeing with the lose carts. After reading the comments I agree about the massless people and wearing them wrong. But I have to add something else that does drive me crazy especially since I other times I’d take care of it: the issue is the number of masks floating around parking lots. It’s trash once you’ve worn it but really do you have to leave it in the parking lot, or in a bush or hanging from a sign? I don’t carry gloves with me so I’m not going to pu your trash. Before Covid I often picked up stray pieces of trash to put in cans. Not now though. Maybe someday again.

  15. I always take my cart back. So rude not to and there are always numerous corrals to choose from. At least at Wiinn-Dixie. In addition, if you are trying to get some exercise, park as far away from the store that you can get. Then make sure to take the cart back. Extra steps!


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